Abandon All Life, by Nails (2025)

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Abandon All Life

by Nails

Abandon All Life, by Nails (2)

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lena- Dominates the brain and thought into submission in how overwhelmingly destructive and gory the sound is. Truly an album of all time. Places me in an enjoyable trace. Favorite track: Wide Open Wound.


skeozz The almighty NAILS' best album. The vocal shift suits them, and the beats are as brutal as ever. Crank it and piss off your neighbors. Favorite track: Wide Open Wound.


Darknight Abandon All Life is completely BRUTAL, it reeks of all the misery and hate that mankind has created and devoured! Favorite track: Pariah.


CREVURE Kenneth AForrest forestill David Ian Dickson deliriak666 DEF! banjoe rat_blast Jimmy thee gnosE Daniel Platt Tommy Lee Sugammadex Dr. Trout this dog will hunt krisis_k Rob Spampinato Myles Peterson sickopaul Max McDevitt GrawlixProlix marholec tanxxx rocvillan Carlos Javier Tiznado carrillo BuiltInThe50s Mulho chacho_rolas_IX_wizardlöre D_m0n3y Patrick K. Squggs Nathan Neugebauer bleachdere gertrude-whipplechester TLDS Ben Padget scoop16 superrockinmistermagic rumbles70 rikmilardo Danork 3web3 MrRey23 Mike Roger O, Mainomai! Baldö666 S G Rob M tarnung Rob Syers (Gumballhead the Cat) Pie_Rulez012 524bells GhostHardware nbenard p00zer volcanicdog




In Exodus 01:17

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Tyrant 00:42

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Absolute Control 00:42

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God's Cold Hands 01:58

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Wide Open Wound 03:36

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Abandon All Life 01:20

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No Surrender 00:54

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Pariah 01:01

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Cry Wolf 00:23

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Suum Cuique 05:21

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NAILS is beyond brutality. These grindcore tyrants of the American underground have triumphantly returned with their 2nd full length "ABANDON ALL LIFE"! Like the bands debut album: "Unsilent Death, was recorded with CONVERGE’s Kurt Ballou. These 10 tracks of barbaric rage have no resemblance to the laughable retro party metal that passes as extreme music in today’s world. Abandon All Life viciously carpet bombs the listener with a horrifying brand of Death/ Grind/ Hardcore chaos. Bludgeoning beatdowns, grinding blasts, hyper-distorted vocals, hard-hitting metallic chugs and early death metal riffs intensifies to a climatic end where the guitars wail and militant drum breakdowns send us marching. With profound hatred, the howling war cry of ABANDON ALL LIFE shows NAILS as a band without equal in their class.


released March 28, 2013


all rights reserved



metal southern lord death metal hardcore punk Oxnard


Nails Oxnard, California



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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.